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MGIS Inc. is a proud supporter of the Canada Border Services Agency's Travellers Project Portfolio Directorate for the Delivery of and Management of Mission Critical Systems.


Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for providing integrated border services that support national security and public safety priorities and facilitate the free flow of persons and goods, including animals and plants that meet all requirements under its legislation. Under this mandate, CBSA enables effective and efficient border management through the design, development, implementation, delivery and operation of innovative solutions, science and technology for the major issues facing border management today and in the future.

CBSA provides effective management of Canada's border through the strategic development, application and oversight of Information Technology and Information Management services. Integrated IT services are administered across Canada, including headquarters and seven regional locations - Atlantic, Quebec, Greater Toronto Area, Northern Ontario, Southern Ontario, Prairie and Pacific.

On February 4, 2011, the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States issued a declaration called ?Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness?, also called the ?Declaration?. The Declaration established a new long-term partnership built upon a perimeter approach to security and economic competitiveness. This means working together, not just at the border, but also beyond the border to enhance our security and accelerate the legitimate

flow of persons, goods and services. Leaders called for the development of a joint action plan to realize this goal.

To optimally manage border programs, corporate maturity and operational excellence, the Information, Science and Technology Branch (ISTB) of CBSA provides technical expertise to advance information management; enterprise architecture; IT infrastructure and solutions; and planning and portfolio management. Among other aspects, the ISTB provides technology leadership for a sustainable portfolio of business applications in support of CBSA's strategic priorities. It ensures effective delivery of technology products, applications and services to meet business needs, while ensuring integrity and availability of all technology infrastructures.

The Travellers Project Portfolio Directorate (TPPD) is responsible for the delivery and management of 25 mission critical systems to manage the flow of persons and goods at border entry points.

Communications Consultant Tasks include:

a) Planning, researching, modifying, assisting, writing and/or reviewing memos, scripts, plays, essays, speeches, manuals and other non-journalistic articles with conformance to established standards;

b) Developing and implementing strategic communication plans in geographically dispersed organizations going through an organizational transformation (change management);

c) Providing communications consultation advice to support strategic communications initiatives and strategies;

d) Creating communications support materials;

e) Developing and implementing creative communication and information products using a variety of tools, techniques and media and selecting an appropriate medium to convey information, ideas, and results;

f) Developing and implementing communication strategies and plans;

g) Expressing and exchanging information in a clear and concise manner;

h) Ensuring information is communicated to the appropriate people in a timely manner;

i) Preparing reports for specific purposes using clear, communicative, and professional language (e.g., audit reports, management letters, consulting reports, financial reports);

j) Ensuring communications are clearly understood by encouraging and listening to feedback both internally and externally in the organization;

k) Structuring external communications to project an appropriate corporate image;

l) Ensuring confidentiality with respect to organizational or client information and data.

m) Determining target audiences in order to better develop messages;

n) Identifying and determining communications impediments and barriers;

o) Providing advice on matters relating to policy/program development approaches or options and communications planning alternatives (internal or external);

p) Researching, developing and implementing communications strategies involving social media and related content (i.e. blogs, microblogs, wikis, crowdsourcing, content communities, social networks, etc.);

q) Providing support and assisting communicators in using social media channels to complement traditional channels; and

r) Providing suggestions on cost-cutting measures in the communications process.

Communications Consultant Deliverables include:

a) Project presentation decks and artifacts

b) Portfolio communications plans

c) Reports, presentations, etc.

If you believe that you are a good fit for these roles, please email via Isarta, or complete the form below.?

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