Davignon Martin Architecture & Interior Design is a well established firm located in both Calgary and Toronto. We are looking for an energetic Business Development Professional to join our team and make us well known in a greater market. We have a strong foothold in Western Canada in a number of project types and are working to expand our reach in the GTA.

We know how good we are and we want potential clients to know as well.

If you believe you have the talent and skills to lead this charge, we want to hear from you.

The Role

You will be asked to work as a Strategic Thinker for focused prospecting, developing campaign strategies and directing outbound marketing that leads to intentional growth in specific sectors in the Calgary market and beyond. You come with a strong understanding of the breadth of the architectural industry and can provide focus and creative approaches for specific targets. You will develop timelines and budgets to roll out your campaigns and then track your own success and performance against these initiatives using our CRM. You will work closely with the Partners through weekly meetings and quarterly reporting.


  • Development and implementation of solicitation strategies and campaigns for new clients;
  • Prospecting / initiating calls to potential clients and influencers (this includes cold calling);
  • Taking initial calls from potential clients;
  • Organizing and participating in discovery meetings with potential clients;
  • Maintaining up to the moment information through the reporting database (Pipedrive or other); and,
  • Creating Strategic Plans, Schedules, Budgets and Sales Goals;
  • Tracking and reporting on performance success through predetermined KPIs;
  • Writing discovery letters and proposals - autonomously and as a team;
  • Responding to RFPs for architectural services - autonomously and as a team.

Marketing & Networking

  • Attending conferences and industry events - inclusive of out of town travel;
  • Prospecting for all sectors - Hospitality, Residential, & Commercial;
  • Developing and implementing of attraction strategies for new clients;
  • Participating with the team on social media content;
  • Coordinating the development of marketing materials with outside vendors.

Planning & Management

  • Coordinating DMA memberships in industry or other relevant associations;
  • Event planning for Business Development;
  • Yearly budget planning for BD initiatives;
  • Tracking results through the reporting database (CRM); and,
  • Quarterly reporting to partners.


  • A minimum of 5 years of experience as a Sales Representative in the Architecture and Design industry
  • Post secondary education in Architecture or Design is a notable asset.

In case you didn't know

Davignon Martin Architecture Interior Design is an award winning, client focused studio practice. Our work is inspired and innovative, but also highly technical and intelligently creative. We have a strong business acumen and believe that this new role will allow us to continue to grow while maintaining the quality of work that we are known for. We have staff in both Calgary and Toronto and work on projects in multiple provinces. We believe in technology and are looking for a progressive metric-minded individual.

We offer a competitive total compensation package that includes health and dental benefits with a growth focused company culture. We operate in an office environment of teamwork that is challenging, creative, enthusiastic, and supportive. We would love to talk to you if you believe you are a fit for this opportunity. Please send your resume, cover letter and a sample of your work. Kindly include your available start date and your salary expectations. We look forward to reviewing your submission!

Additional Information

Calgary, AB, Canada
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