A Term Adjunct position is open at the Smith School of Business for an instructor to teach in our Accelerated MBA Program. The course is anticipated to include both teaching in the studio in our Kingston facility, broadcasting to our boardrooms across the country, as well as in person instruction in Toronto. Most of the students in the Accelerated MBA program are working professionals with approximately seven years of experience and most are managers and leaders in their domain. Students have an undergraduate degree in commerce. The position is to teach the Strategic Marketing II course, MBUS 825, which is taught during the fall term.

The course is described as follows:

Arriving at and implementing successful Marketing Strategy entails a wonderful blend of fundamental strategic principles surrounding the organization with cutting edge thinking brought on by dynamic consumer and societal trends and ever advancing information and communication technology. It is these dynamics that come to shape the customer value upon which companies must build their marketing strategy. As such, the Strategic Marketing II course picks up where Strategic Marketing I ended by demonstrating how these societal dynamics shape customer value and therefore, how companies must integrate this understanding of customer value into their business practices. .

Participants should be able to come away from the course with the ability to critically assess their organizations around four fundamental marketing strategy questions:

1) Are your operations aligned to deliver customer value?

2) Do you fully understand what your customer values?

3) What business model will best deliver value to those customers?

4) How does brand strategy fit into this business model?


Smith offers a competitive salary package. The salary for a term adjunct teaching one section of a course in our graduate programs is $18,353.77, which excludes vacation pay and lieu of benefits pay. This salary is pro-rated based on course credit.

Qualifications include: A Master's degree or PhD., several years of familiarity and experience in strategic marketing and experience teaching similar university courses. Industry leadership in a related field is valued.

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Kingston, ON, Canada
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