This is a full-time on-site role for a Customer Success Manager located in Ottawa, ON. The Customer Success Manager will be responsible for day-to-day tasks including ensuring customer satisfaction, analyzing customer needs, managing customer relationships, manage customer's renewals, manages add-ons and upgrades and ensuring customer retention. The Customer Success Manager will also provide excellent customer service and support to clients. The Customer Success Manager is responsible to help customers achieve their business goals with our solution.


  • Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention skills.
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Relationship Building and Customer Service skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, both in English and French.
  • Ability to work well in a team.
  • Experience in the software or technology industry is a plus.
  • Bachelor’s degree in business, Management, or a related field.
  • The compensation will be based on the candidates’ experience.

Additional Information

Nicole Despatie Whissel
5-1010 Polytek Street, Ottawa, On, K1J 9H8
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