Serve Your Community - Become a Member of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

The City of Beaumont invites you to serve on the Beaumont Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB). There will be three (3) vacancies as of December 31, 2024.


City of Beaumont Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw Here


The Beaumont SDAB is a quasi-judicial board established in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and The City of Beaumont Bylaw. The SDAB hears appeals regarding decisions made by The City of Beaumont subdivision and development authorities and renders decisions based on the evidence presented.


The Committee consists of five (5) members appointed by Council. Members are appointed for a three-year (3) term, and no member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive three-year (3) terms and may re-apply after an absence of one-year (1), or as approved by Council. Members must be Beaumont residents.

No person shall be appointed as a member of the Board:

  • who is a City of Beaumont employee;
  • who carries out subdivision or development powers, duties, and functions on behalf of the city; and
  • who is any other person who is not eligible to be a member as set out in the Municipal Government Act

Time commitment

Hearings are scheduled anywhere from 1-3 a year. In addition, one day mandatory training, and one yearly organizational meeting over a three-year term.

Following appointment to the SDAB, members must successfully complete a training program set or approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.


Remuneration and expenses are payable to members of the Board under provisions of the SDAB Bylaw.

Skills, Abilities, And Experience

Appointments will be selected through an Application Based Process. Each Application will be reviewed based on the following components:

  • Possess experience in on or more of the following areas:
  • Experience in Engineering/Construction
  • Expertise in land use planning matters
  • Community representation or knowledge of community issues
  • Architecture;
  • Law;
  • Engineering/construction; and
  • Urban planning/land use/development

A member of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board should have:

  • Regard for the interests of property owners, developers, the general public, and other parties affected by the outcome of an appeal;
  • A personal history of acting ethically and with integrity;
  • An understanding of the principles of administrative law and natural justice;
  • The ability to participate in hearings with an open mind, making decisions in a fair and unbiased manner;
  • Excellent analytical and reasoning skills;
  • Demonstrable ability to read, understand and apply:
  • Complex plans, the Municipal Government Act and other pertinent Acts, statutory plans such as the Municipal Development Plan and area structure plans, the Land Use Bylaw, and case law

Apply by October 31, 2024.

Additional Information

Beaumont, AB, Canada

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