Flex Package

Isarta - emplois Marketing et Communication

Job posting with employer branding

30 days
Employer page


Job Alerts

Several positions to fill per year? Flex packages are made for you!

Flex 3


per month

  • 3 spaces available at all times for 12 months

    Post up to 156 jobs per year*
Flex 5


per month

  • 5 spaces available at all times for 12 months

    Post up to 260 jobs per year*
Flex 10


per month

  • 10 spaces available at all times for 12 months

    Post up to 520 jobs per year*
Flex 20


per month

  • 20 spaces available at all times for 12 months

    Post up to 1040 jobs per year*

Fill as many positions as desired, respecting the limit of job offers that you can have simultaneously online with your posting spaces.

Flexibility thanks to the interchangeability of your posting spaces. A position is filled? Use this posting space to post a new job offer online. If you have no more space available, the site indicates that you have reached the limit of simultaneously active postings and invites you to deactivate one to replace it with another.


Flex 2
2 simultaneous postings available at all times for 12 months.
Possibility to fill up to 104 positions in the year!*
Flex 3
3 simultaneous postings available at all times for 12 months.
Possibility to fill up to 156 positions in the year!*
Flex 5
5 simultaneous postings available at all times for 12 months.
Possibility to fill up to 260 positions in the year!*
Flex 10
10 simultaneous postings available at all times for 12 months.
Possibility to fill up to 520 positions in the year!*

* At the rate of one position posted every 7 days for each of your available spaces. A position is filled? Replace it with another. It is recommended to leave a job offer at least 14 days to maximize applications.

Advantageous and competitive pricing saves you money compared to traditional postings.

You also have the option to automate all your job postings from your ATS or your career site with our automatic integration.

Always with the usual benefits of our job postings:

  • Multi-broadcasting for maximum visibility (emails and notifications, social networks and job search engines)
  • Application management and tracking tools that make your life easier.

Flex Packages

Fill hundreds of jobs per year

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