Are you Ready to Surf the (Professional) Wave of the Return to Work?

The return has enough to make you dizzy. If the “progressive” return to normal announced by governments holds true, workers will have more work and especially more opportunities to stand out than ever. Are you ready to surf this professional wave that promises to be… titanic?

Several reasons suggest that the return in fall 2021 will be the busiest. On the one hand, projects that were put on hold during the pandemic will be relaunched and will suddenly become priorities!

On the other hand, despite the likely high volume of work, businesses will continue to face an unprecedented labour shortage. There is a shortage of workers in all strata of the labour market.

And finally, the workers themselves are on the move. Different surveys suggest that workers want to leave their jobs (will they actually do it, that is another story) and so, one can expect an intense game of musical chairs to fill vacancies. Professionals from all walks of life are in danger of being wooed.

Update your ambitions

First tip: those who want to take advantage of the opportunities of the return should update their ambitions now. They need to think about what they really want for the rest of their careers. What kind of mandate is most likely to provide them with job satisfaction? What position will enable them to build the career they dream of?

Having a clear plan and objectives will help with decision-making. When a recruiter of a company approaches you, you will be more comfortable saying “no” to an offer that does not fit your ambitions. Learning to say no is a skill that seems to be increasingly popular among career development coaches.

Consult with those around you

Few professionals act alone, without partially depending on their personal and professional entourage. The pandemic has worn out many people – last March, 73% of workers reported signs of burnout, including isolation, difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating. Before accepting a new challenge, it is worth discussing the state of mind and morale of the people around us. Are they ready to support us in our projects? We can survey a life partner as well as the regular employees we usually work with.

Update your business cards

Recruiters are very active these days. They have lists of positions to fill in a variety of trades and industries. They must still be able to find you. To pick up your dream job – which is more difficult to find than you would think – you have to be ready to react quickly when the opportunity presents itself. Professionals must update their LinkedIn profile – to be seen by recruiters – and their CV, to make a good first impression on people who will be interested in their profile.

With that done, all you have left to do is catch the wave!