Systemic Racism in Recruitment: Good and Bad News
The Cirano Centre provides new evidence – if one is needed – that applications from diversity are treated unequally when they are hired.
The Cirano Centre provides new evidence – if one is needed – that applications from diversity are treated unequally when they are hired.
The HR function has been called upon more than ever to support organizations through the health crisis.
Interview with Caroline Loisel, co-author of the “Guide du futur des RH et du management” (Eyrolles edition) on this new year.
Looking for reinforcement experience to inspire your employees and give them strength to face the coming months? Why not try a philanthropy team-building experience?
Several startups are here to help companies be the most efficient, even remotely.
Talsom gives itself the mission to advance a cause by organizing a collective brainstorm according to the precepts of design thinking during a well-named event : The Design Thinking Jam.
The Mirego firm is looking forward to returning to the office to reopen the splendid office-cottage it built in 2017.