How To Give Positive Feedback?

In this new episode of Vecteur H, the program dedicated to HR issues broadcast in partnership with Isarta, Nathalie Carrier, Senior Talent Assessment Consultant at Humance, reveals the best practices for giving positive feedback to employees. An exercise that is not as easy as it seems.

How to attract more women to your organization?

Broadening your recruitment pool often involves working on your corporate culture and internal management style. Anne Betton, transformation leader and founder of Anastasens, is particularly interested in the issue of female leadership in order to succeed in opening her organization to more women.

Diversity in the workplace: stop justifying yourself!

When a company deploys a diversity policy, it usually justifies the move by citing 1) business reasons – the famous “business case for diversity” – or 2) equity issues or 3) a mix of both. However, researchers at Yale University have just highlighted the repulsive effect of this kind of discourse on diversity candidates.