After all, many professionals are currently shopping for a new employer – if we remember correctly, last October, one in two employees were thinking about changing jobs after the pandemic. It is now or never for employers to boost their career page, in order to present their company in the best light. Here are 3 suggestions to improve the candidate experience on your website.
1. Use of video
There is nothing more engaging than video content. This is true on social media and online in general. So, it is true on your company’s career page.
There are many possibilities for content: introducing your team, your premises or an employee who has made progress in the company. This is the suggestion of Julie Bélanger, employer brand specialist at the Kolegz firm. She stated in an article on the topic:
You may present [to page visitors] testimonials from current employees. While they are becoming more prevalent, you may ask an employee who has been promoted internally to talk about their career path, to share the opportunities for advancement in your company.”
2. Conversational agent (or chatbot)
The chatbot has entered the mores, despite its imperfections and limitations. From a consumer point of view, an American survey conducted by the Lucidworks firm showed that 70% of online shoppers used the chat “frequently” or “every visit” to obtain information on products.
It is only natural to think that potential candidates who visit your website would like to ask their questions about the selection process, through a conversational agent.
Recruitment chatbots can come in different ways; they can answer questions, but they can also ask them. It is indeed possible to substitute the application form by a conversational agent so that the collection of information is done in a more fluid and engaging manner, through conversation.
In the application process on the career page, some add a questionnaire that contains information such as: name, address, last job, reasons for leaving, etc., explains Julie Bélanger. These questionnaires can take a long time for the candidate to complete!”
The employer brand specialist suggests replacing these questionnaires with a typeform, which collects the same information but in a form of conversation.
This will appeal to Millennial candidates who prefer texting or chatting rather than having a real conversation (!)
3. Think mobile
Is your website suitable for mobile consultation? This could be critical to attract new talent to your career page. Already in 2017, a survey of the website Thisway reported that 45% of job seekers did daily mobile searches.
In addition, 89% of those thinking of changing jobs consider the smartphone as a critical tool for their search for a new employer.
You have been warned!