Remote Work: 4 Dream Setups to Enhance Your Summer

Finding the motivation to work in July and August is never easy. Fortunately, full or partial remote work remains accessible to many professionals. In this setup, it is usually possible to arrange small daily pleasures. We asked remote workers about their “dream setup.”

Let’s go in order of popularity.

1. Terrace and Pool (or Jacuzzi)

One might think that the terrace and pool or jacuzzi combo in the backyard is a typical North American “suburban dream.” However, a worker based in Belgium shared her “countryside” version. To enhance her 2 days of remote work per week, Karine Bauffe has set up a terrace area with a jacuzzi and garden furniture.

“It’s a space dedicated to zen attitude. It’s a quiet place, conducive to creativity and work that requires concentration. I split my time between on-site presence and remote work with hybrid meetings. When the weather is nice, I really enjoy working outdoors and taking advantage of the garden and arranged terrace.”

  1. The Tranquility of a Chalet or Secondary Residence

When Pascal Cadorette really wants to “unwind,” he packs his bags and heads to the family chalet.

“I think this is my dream environment for working: no distractions, peace, silence, tranquility, nature, the little birds… It’s good for the soul! And being able to completely disconnect once the day is over is priceless.”

For him, alternatives to the chalet pale in comparison.

“By the pool, I wouldn’t be productive. Same thing on a café terrace. However, after work, a swim is certainly refreshing!”

Sébastien Bergeron, on the other hand, has no problem interspersing work sessions with a swim. His dream setup is teleworking on the terrace of his chalet, with a view of the lake, and taking a quick dip during lunch. To make us envious, he shared a photo with us:

(Source: courtesy, Stéphane Bergeron)
  1. Teleworking and Vacationing

Another respondent to the survey, Marie-Claude Leblanc, told us she spent the month of March in Costa Rica with her family, while teleworking.

“This allowed me to have a unique family experience,” she said. “I also noticed I was more focused and re-energized; my colleagues mentioned it. I took more pleasure in my work and was more efficient.”

Of course, she had to make some “schedule adjustments,” but overall, she described the experience as “fabulous.”

“We certainly went to the beach every day!”

  1. Urban Decor

Of course, not everyone can afford a pool, jacuzzi, chalet, or trip abroad. And there are also “city rats” who prefer the comforts of a local café to socialize and change scenery during the beautiful summer days. To prove this, two people chose this option in our in-house survey. Depending on your city, you can simply stroll through your neighborhood and go with the flow of inspiration!

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