The New Traps of the Virtual Job Interview

If you think preparing for a remote interview is the same as preparing for a face-to-face interview… you are wrong!

In terms of content, there are probably several similarities. However, in terms of form, there are a multitude of differences that we must pay attention to if we want chance on our side. Which are the following.

1. The interview… the first test of our technical skills

Since the beginning of the pandemic, telework has become widespread in several companies. Knowing how to handle an application like Zoom or Teams therefore becomes a prerequisite for several jobs.

Candidates must understand that from the first interview on a video platform, the person is already implicitly starting a “technical test,” explains Daniel H. Lanteigne, CRHA, Philanthropy and Human Resources Strategist.

For Daniel H. Lanteigne, not having set aside time to install the application and do some preliminary tests is already a “red flag” compared to the skills that are now sought by employers.

“Also, since there is no transportation to the interview, there is no excuse for being late,” he added.

2. Lighting

Jeremy Sherk, Founder and CEO of Nested Naturals, conducted hundreds of remote interviews as a business leader. Here is his first tip:

“The first mistake I see is the quality of the lighting. When you set up for a Zoom or Skype call, the laptop is open in front of you and there is a light source behind you [against the light], that makes you a silhouette. These are easy things to fix, and I expect, as a recruiter, to see the candidate’s face when I engage in an interview.”

Remember: always make sure that the light source is in front of you and not behind you, that you are facing the window and not back.

3. Distractions

When we are in the interview office, sitting straight in a chair, with sweaty hands, facing one or two recruiters, we would never have the idea of looking at our emails or text messages on our cellphone.

Daniel H. Lanteigne notes that this basic rule of politeness no longer always applies to a remote interview.

“We have to admit that some people get distracted, he notes. Please close other windows, notifications, and your cellphone. Your cat that passes or your child that emerges, I find it really cute and very in line with everyone’s daily life. Besides, I have a dog that barks at every delivery. But there are no excuses for notifications and the cellphone.”

The message is clear.

4. Use your headphones (with microphone!)

In a remote working environment, some people swear only by their headphones with built-in microphone. Others find it annoying to have a device on their head or in their ear and prefer to use the computer microphone.

In an interview, Jeremy Sherk recommends putting all the odds on our side by using a pair of headphones with a microphone.

“The recruiter will be able to hear you better because of the microphone. But also, there is no echo or unnecessary noises, you will be able to hear the recruiter better.”

Have a great interview!