The AI-Powered Resume: Changing Attitudes Among Recruiters

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like Gemini and ChatGPT are currently very popular among many organizations looking to leverage their benefits. In the job search arena, some voices are condemning their use, while others are celebrating it. It’s not easy to navigate this landscape.

In May 2023, the recruitment platform iCIMS surveyed 500 HR professionals about using a generative AI application for writing resumes. A striking 39% responded that it was a “deal-breaker.” Quite a statement!

Due to the potential of AI bots to produce misleading information and the possible involvement of unscrupulous developers, new graduates are advised to stick to the conventional approach of writing their own resumes and cover letters,” concluded the Firstpost article covering the survey.

This warning should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt… Because in reality, new graduates are following their own path! In the “collegiate” section of the survey, iCIMS asked 1,000 recent graduates about their intentions regarding using ChatGPT to write their resumes, and 47% expressed interest. In another survey of Generation Z, 25% said they were already using it in this context.

Eight Months Later…

Fast forward eight months to January 2024, and Canva has also conducted a double survey with 5,000 job seekers and 5,000 recruiters in India, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The first result: 45% of candidates are already using AI to write or enhance their resumes and cover letters.

The second part of the survey is even more interesting. Among the managers responsible for recruitment, a vast majority (90%) think it is “acceptable” to use AI to complete a job application. Specifically, 46% suggest at least using it to enhance content and generate ideas. What other uses are suggested? 44% believe that generative AI can create any type of content, and 57% see it as a way to create visual content to complement textual content.

Attitudes appear to be changing as rapidly as generative AI platforms are evolving. In an interview with Fox, Amy Schultz, Global Head of Talent Acquisition at Canva, encouraged job seekers to embrace AI tools:

“We know that job searching can be really difficult and intimidating; so, if there is something that can help make this experience better, I think people should seriously consider it.”

It’s now up to job seekers to decide whether to wait patiently on the sidelines to see how this issue evolves over the next year or to accelerate their use of generative AI.

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