These Companies That Will Change our Habits in the Years to Come
Here are a few companies that, by their innovative nature, risk disrupting our ways of doing things in the years to come.
Here are a few companies that, by their innovative nature, risk disrupting our ways of doing things in the years to come.
Here are the highlights of the lastest Content Marketing Trend Study 2021 recently published by Statista.
The new Axios site: the TikTok application is currently developing a job posting platform for employers.
Cybersecurity researcher Bertrand Milot gave presentation on the state of cyber-piracy in Canada and around the world at the “Information Security in COVID Times” conference by Les Affaires.
For efficiency, community managers like to be able to schedule their postings in advance. The question then arises is to know at what time of day to program them?
Each year, the probe of the very serious Pew Research Center on the use of social media gives a particularly revealing overview of the major trends in the this field.
Facebook and Australia have just struggled over a bill to make digital giants pay to take news from local publishers. A situation that may be well known in Canada in the near future….
The new social network based solely on live verbal conversations is an outstanding success. Discovery of Clubhouse in 6 highlights.